By clicking on the 'download' button, you expressly agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this download agreement. This Software Download Agreement (“Agreement”) is between you (either as an individual or company) and Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. ('Check Point'), for the software and documentation provided by this. Azure Client Vpn Gateway And Checkpoint Vpn Client Download For Mac Best Buy 2019 Ads, Deals and Sales. Solution ID: sk163094: Technical Level: Product: Endpoint Security VPN, SSL Network Extender, IPSec VPN: Version: E82: OS: Mac: Date Created: 2019-10-16 12:27:23.0. Checkpoint Vpn Client Download For Mac And Cisco Meraki Client Vpn Pci Scan is best in online store.
Client packages for Mac clients must be distributed manually and do not use Deployment.
To get the mac client package:
In the Deployment tab, under Mac Client, click Download.
In the window that opens, select which components to include in the package and click Download.
If more than one version is in the Package repository, select a client to download.
Optional: If Remote Access VPN is part of the package, you can configure a VPN site.
Select the location to save the package.
The package starts to download.
The package, shows in the configured location. This is the file that you distribute to endpoint users.
To distribute the Mac client package:
Use a third party distribution method to distribute the file to endpoint users.

To install the Mac client package on client computers:

Double-click the ZIP file to expand it.
Click the APP file that shows next to the zip file.
The Check PointEndpoint Security Installer opens.
Click Install.
Enter a Name and Password to authorize the installation.
Click OK.
Wait while package installs.
A message shows that the package installed successfully or failed for a specified reason. Click Close.
If the installation was successful, the Endpoint Security icon shows in the menu bar.
Uninstalling the Client on Mac
Download Checkpoint Smartconsole
To uninstall the Endpoint Security client on Mac computers:
Checkpoint Free Download
Open a terminal window.
sudo '/Library/Application Support/Checkpoint/Endpoint Security/'
If the Endpoint Security client was encrypted, the uninstall script first prompts for a reboot so that the volumes can be decrypted. After decryption, the script continues to uninstall the client.
After you uninstall the Endpoint Security client, the administrator must reset the computer through SmartEndpoint on the Security Management Server. See Resetting a Computer.