Support Resources
There are different ways to download Mac OSX 10.10 Yosemite on different computer brands. We’ve compiled the steps for a Mac as well for Windows. Downloading Apple Mac OSX 10.10 Yosemite from Apple Store. The users can still find Mac OS X Yosemite Download here and its available for free download. After the completion of the download, the OZX. Get the latest Apache OpenOffice release for your MacOS X. Please subscribe to the users mailing list. Send an empty email to and just reply to the returned email. News and weblog. Recent news articles from the Apache OpenOffice homepage.
So you've started using Wonderful! Chances are youmay have questions about problems you encounter in the software or wantto learn more about it. There are a number of ways you can get helpwith the software. Visit our Support Home for more information on getting help with
To find information, resources, and much more in your native language, please visit the NLC projet page.
Download troubles
Installing on Mac OSX. is installed like most other Mac OSX applications: Get for Mac OSX; Open the downloaded disk image by clicking on it Drag and drop the icon into the Applications folder or any other folder on your system.
Hello, This it what looks like a very stupid question, but since I can't find the 10.10 installer on the app store (canadian) or on Apple's website, I'm stuck. I'm looking for an official 10.10 install. Edraw software for mac. OpenOffice is a tool that helps users manage their spreadsheets, documents, and multimedia presentations. This software features several programs, including a word processor, a spreadsheet manager, a drawing tool, and a presentation creator, making both personal and professional use possible.

There are various reports from users on our mailinglist that theyhave problems downloading using Safari the defaultbrowser for Mac OS X. Safari isn't capable of directly downloading fromFTP servers so Safari passes download requests for files from a FTPserver through to the Finder, the Finder connects to the FTP server andfails. This may be a bug in Mac OS X 10.3.x and 10.4.x which cannot besolved by developers.
There are two known solutions:
Even though the Finder has problems with passed throughdownloads from Safari the download often works when you copy thedownload url to the clipboard, switch to the Finder->Go->Connectto Server and paste the url in the empty line below Server Adress.Click 'Connect' and the see if the Finder now connects to the downloadserver.
Mozilla/Gecko based browsers like Firefox or Camino are capable of directly downloading from FTP servers.
As the file is downloaded, you will see the icon of the Disk Image(dmg) File appear. When the download is finished, simply double clickon the icon of the 'dmg' file, and drag the 'Icon' inyour applications folder. X11 How-To
There is a small how-to install and use X11 and Mac OS X available in
Download Openoffice Mac Os X
For any other installation or mac-specific question visit this page. There are the latest news and informations on known Mac OS X (X11) issues and problems.
If you still can't find your answer there, try the following community staffed mailinglist:
To make life easier for yourself and other volunteers on themailinglist please subscribe to the mailinglist. In order to do so senda blank email to this addresswait for the daemon to answer you. Now answer the mail the mailinglistdaemon sent to you yourself by pressing the reply button in yourmailer. After the second confirmation your able to post and receivemails from
In order to make life easier for both end-users and developers wedecided to move end-user support to the project wide users mailinglistwhile mac porting remains the mailinglist for macdevelopment.
Remember, these are staffed by volunteers who donate their time to help users, so be patient and polite:
Online Help and Manuals
One of the quickest references to get to is the OpenOffice.orgOnline Help (under the Help menu). This online help contains a thoroughdescription of the application.
You can also go to your local bookstore and pick up several books such as the Resource Kit and StarOffice Companion.While these books are not specific to Mac OS X, on MacOS X is nearly identical to all other platforms and these books willstill be valuable references.

Openoffice For Mac
If you get help from any of these places, please consider helpingout by browsing through them from time to time and answering questionsto which you know or learned the answers. Support, too, is an effortthat needs
Paid Support
If you require commercial support, you may want to check out some of the commercial support providers.Be aware that not all may provide assistance with Mac OS X, however, sobe sure to check to make sure they support the Mac OS X plat form.
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Filing Bugs
OK, say you've found a glitch in the software (a bug, like thesoftware crashes when opening this certain file) and haven't been ableto find an answer in any of the support resources. The next step is tofile an issue about it. See the IssueZillapage for more information about what a proper report should contain andwhere to file it. Mac-specific bugs should be filed against the porting project.
Download Open Office Mac Yosemite
Last updated by $Author: smsm1 $ on $Date: 2007/02/11 01:26:04 $